Selected for the “FY2020 Advanced Satellite Remote Sensing Data Application Model Demonstration Project for Problem Solving.
August 3, 2020 “Triton’s Contraption,” which we are cooperating in the development of, has been selected for the “FY2020 Advanced Satellite Remote Sensing Data Application Model Demonstration Project for Problem Solving” implemented by the Secretariat of the Strategic Secretariat for Space Development, Cabinet Office.
Kentaro Oda, our CEO (sole proprietor at the time / teacher at Kagoshima University), has been working on the “Triton’s Parrot” project, which is jointly developed by Ocean Solution Technology, Inc. and the Cabinet Office’s Secretariat for Strategic Space Development. The project was selected as a demonstration project for “Demonstration to improve the accuracy and efficiency of fish catch reporting based on the revision of the Fishery Law” under the “Remote Sensing Data Application Model Demonstration Project”.
In this demonstration project, our representative is providing AI technology to predict fishing trips using logbooks and satellite data. We will continue our joint research and development.